About Us

MardukeWatchmen is a brotherhood, a family. The group has been composed of hardcore RTS gamers who have grown into casual multi-gaming cross-platform moms and dads. The membership finds games each year to play together on either the PC, Xbox360, PS3 or Wii. The guilds Marduke & Watchmen joined forces in September 2009. This blog has been created to assemble and share information about the guild MardukeWatchmen and it's existence over the past 9 years.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Marduke & Watchmen Unite

The Marduke and Watchmen guild leadership discussed a merger over the summer months of 2009. Then in September 2009 a lot of changes were taking place at the parent site Guildsforever. The decision was made & the guilds combined. The official merger date is October 12, 2009. Both guilds have had a hard time staying active over the past year so membership has been pooled into one family. The hope is the survival of both guilds memberbase.

Friday, September 4, 2009

MIA but hope around the corner

Funny how these things dry up so fast. Life intervenes and everything else goes to hell. Speaking of intervention, Marvel who has been with Marduke since '02 has asked if Marduke should combine with its brother-guild Watchmen and then both join suit into the Brigade Network? The Brigade has gone strong now for over 4 years with no plans of stopping. Marduke leadership has grown old and not as playful as years past. The same with Watchmen. Not sure what will happen so stay tuned.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Member - Boan Slinger

Welcome Boan Slinger to the guild here. The Guildsforever Project offers interaction with the United Heroes Brigade which plays the MMORPG game City of Heroes & City of Villains. Many of the members have since moved on and either left the project or asked to be apart of Marduke. The UHB guild is based on very similar principles and therefore houses a lot of very good members.

Marduke welcomes you Boan Slinger.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Halo Wars!!

The first of March brought us something new to the console platform. Many of us have never played an RTS game on the 360 and others have never played one online. Tough at first but soon even the RTS noobs were performing rushes of all types; elephant, brute, arbiter, prophet and warthog.

Check out the stats for Marduke members: Guildguru, Mulky Bros, SniperFodder, & JAckHole4Life.

Monday, February 23, 2009

RTS Rebirth

Halo Wars is coming to consoles this Saturday, February 28. I hope to see a lot of Mardukes online for our first major RTS title since AoE3.

Backed by the same company that Microsoft sold-out (ref. article here) and now supporting the game as Robot Entertainment.

Stay tuned to see if some of the great RTS players come out of the wood-work & rise up the ladder like the legends of past...Nathan...Maximus...Timo...Mits...In2TheSea...Sacrafix...Xena.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Blood & Gore

Mardukes & friends assembled to play homage to Friday the 13th with some bloody 360 games. The night started off with zombies in "Left 4 Dead". Then gears were switched literally to "Gears of War 2".

Brokeback Cowboy

See some more here: Bloodmount Pwnage & Pre-headshot

Sunday, February 8, 2009

New SpringWidget - DC Online

A few Mardukes were into the MMORPG City of Heroes game a couple years back. So the DC Universe Online could draw a few of us back.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hello Halo Wars & good-bye Ensemble

It has been at least 5 years since an RTS game has sucessfully lured Mardukes back to the genre. It also marks the last for the game developer as Microsoft closes the doors after the games completion. Ref article here.

The game releases on the Xbox360 on March 3, 2009 so it's still unknown how many Mardukes will grab it. Lots of potential coming from the same developer that made the series well known to old school Mardukes, Age of Empires. Check back in a month to hear the outcome!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Flickr: Marduke

Marduke has had various photo clients over the years. Many of them were free and therefore limited to some extent. The last one used at guildsforever was bought out by competition who stopped updating it. I have used flickr personally for several years and decided to create a public Marduke group on Flickr.

If you have Flickr then be sure to pop in and send me a note so I can add you to the group, otherwise just visit to look at old pictures of members, events, site pages, signatures, etc. I will continue to make the Marduke set/collection bigger and bigger.

Flickr: Marduke can be found here.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Marduke Membership

Who is still affiliated with Marduke? Some of the Marduke membership have come and gone; never to return. There have been a good number of folks that have always been around. We all take time off, get bored, leave to try something else but eventually the core group returns to check in.The core group that has been active the most in online gaming (PC, Xbox360, PS3, Wii) or posting on the marduke bbs throughout Marduke's lifespan have gone by the following names: AllaXul999, Bogart, Damien Mephisto, Dan1157, DeViL, Dingy Harry, Guildguru, Isometric, MasterChef, Marvel, Matt1157, Mits, Nightwings, Patrician, Opsteel, Sacrifix, St_Jedi, TMan, and Woodstock. Check out the Legendary Crew post for details on our current and past members.
If you are out there, leave a comment about yourself and your ties to Marduke.

This blog was inspired by a comment made recently - thx MasterChef.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Marduke begins to blog

The Marduke clan/guild has seen many changes since 2000. The Marduke circle I speak of is that of the Real-Time Strategy branch that separated from a regime of the same name. This branch eventually grew into a multi-gaming core which has lasted to present day. The members of Marduke has found many ways to stay in touch to keep the brotherhood alive for many years. The guild site has seen many faces and has been reinvented a lot. In an effort to organize the group's history, accomplishments and mere existence over the last 9 years this facet of communication was created to show visitors and members both past and new that Marduke will be around a long time.

So it begins...